
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Taking me time & some House Rules

Hi Everyone
How are you enjoying your week, your day, or even your time right now?

Its been a tiring past two weeks with both my children getting sick and one after another
the fevers just kept coming back. But I am so thankfuoul that it was not as serious as it
could have gotten and actually a bit of routine out the window was good for our relationship.
After the first four days of being at home  my 4 year old girl plainly said:

"Mommy, I don't miss the teachers or the children, I only miss you when I'm at school".
They are little expert talkers aren't they?
Well I am glad (very glad) that there are no more trips to the hospital for now and hopefully this will be it for the rest of the season & oncoming winter. Sick children is painful to watch but very tiring on us mommies.

This week I've been reminded to put down some "house rules". (like the picture above).
*sorry, I forgot where I first saw this image, if anyone knows pls let me know :)

I liked it so much I wrote & painted it. I took a picture of it & put a filter on it,
Do you like it? .  Using sayings I like and trying to be reminded of it daily, not just for me for for every member of our family.

Just simply ones like :

+ Be Kind
+ Please & Thank you
+ Quiet time

What are some of your house rules...?
Also, taking some me time.
I hope you are well and taking some "you time".


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