Sorry for being so quiet lately.
Things have been caoutic to say the least.
In the last month we had some changes at home as well as actually changed homes!
Yes we moved!
And since then we have been taking our time to find our feet (and the rest of our things) in the new place.
It was very tiring time, as any mom can imagine -- packing with a toddler in the house.
But it was also a time to declutter and really see how much junk we've accumulated!!
It was hard for me but at the end of it, I realized how many boxes I had of "things I don't use but don't want to throw". I had to keep going back to check on the guidelines of decluttering,
Of course, there has been zero sewing during this time, and I think that was what made things kind of hard on me. Sewing is my way of finding peace in a day, it's my time to "calm down" almost.
So to stay sane, I still had to craft.
I carried around a little bag of beads and felt so I could decompress at night when I was too tired of thinking about packing and organizing...
Here I made a little decoration for her to place onto her alice bands.
It's really simple,sew some beads on to some felt - we ended up making lots of shapes, diamonds, leaves, heart shapes....
and then add a little strap in the back so you can slide onto any alice band.
Hope to share more with you soon.
Have a great week.
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