
Thursday, 24 November 2011


These days there is a lot of sleeping, feeding, diaper changing..and getting them back to sleep again going on in my life.  I'm sure every mom can identify with the pace of life when a new little baby comes home, 
it's really sweet and sometimes quite routine and tiring as well. 

But in between all of it are moments like this and my heart just goes awwwwwwww, 
it is all very very worth it. 
Obviously the other things which I love very much too (sewing, fabric shopping, coffee with friends..)
do take a bit of a back seat, and I know once you "become" a mom it's forever..
However this time to watch your children grow is not. 

So for now, I've allowed my other loves to not come first
I will still blog and sew of course,  just not as frequently and for now 
all my sewing projects will have to be very simple ones.
I hope I will have the time to attempt more ambitious projects in the near future.


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