
Monday, 1 October 2012

Birthday Party Decorations

Birthday Party Decorations

Ribbon Swirl Decorations
Tutorial to follow!

Happy Birthday to my cuties!!!

Paper garland decorations

Setting up the table the night before 
Paper Garland deocrations & snacks!!

The past weekend we celebrated my oldest turning 4 and the little boy turning 1.
Oh little boy, you are one already.
Where did the time go...and when did you get so big? :)
It was a fun day filled with kids, some junk food, apple juice, chocolate milk
and balloons. Oh, and the weather turned out to be beautiful!!
I was sooo thankful as it did not look like we were going to be able to use our
balcony at all in the morning, but by mid afternoon the weather cleared up and it was beautiful skies all around.

My girl started playing as soon as the first guests arrived while baby boy was just
very curious to see so many people! He ended up falling asleep half way through and woke up
after everyone had left! But at least he stayed up for the birthday song and the cutting of the cake.
We felt very blessed to be surrounded by our friends and most of all,
I'm just glad that everyone had fun!!

And, ps. Yay, done for another year! As fun as it is, I took an extra long nap the next day~


  1. What a great post...I enjoyed reading about your son's birthday party! The decorations look great.

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  2. @ Paul: Thanks so much, I always enjoy parties especially kid's ones!

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  4. Thank you so much! Appreciate the compliments! Xx

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