
Thursday, 27 September 2012

Sneak Peak: Preparing for their birthdays~

Sneak Peak: Decorating Time

Hi Everyone
It's almost the end of September and in my family that means,
Birthday time since both my children are September babies!!

Here is a sneak peak at the things I've been preparing.
And I did wait until the very last minute to start...

  Some letter garlands
I decided to include the thank you notes now too as there is no way
I would remember to send them afterwards once this is over!

Our fabric flags from last year are making a reappearance
and I have to say they've kept quite well.
I will have to see if the paper decorations from this year are as durable.

We also had to move some things around in the house to open up more space
as the weather is not very good so it looks like it will have to be an indoor
party. That is always the tricky part with Taipei, 
you never really know what kind of weather you're in for and that makes it 
kind of hard to plan picnic parties.

But one thing I've noticed about children is that as long as there
are a few of them together and some toys, they can pretty much start a party anywhere.
Of course juice boxes & snacks help too!!

Wishing you a happy weekend and a happy party time for us!
Stay tuned, pictures and some tutorials to follow.

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