As much as I love it (the decorations, the colder weather, lots of food, putting on the scarves & boots...) I've been reminded that it's the every day things I need to stay focused on & these are the things that I feel like I need to say thank you for.
* Like, being able to walk my daughter to school in the mornings. Acutally it's from the parking lot to her school. Those extra 10 minutes allows me to see how much she enjoys holding my hand and looks forward to her day. Her walk has that bounce in it and she is just excited about being there.
I love that, it's so important to keep that.
* Being able to go to the park with my husband for a quick walk on the days the weather is good is becoming one of my favourite things. It dulls out the city noises and it just becomes more peaceful. I feel like that is how I'm supposed to start my day. Not rushing everyone to get out the house on time....but one day at a time right?
* Having my little son crawl up and put his head down on my lap.
I love this stage when they crawl and stand up so they are independent enough but still need to cuddle.
It's so so precious, I hope I never ever forget what it's like.
Such little things yet no Christmas gift could ever surpass these moments.........Or maybe......
Hahaha, you know what I mean.
Wishing you a special time with family & loved ones.
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