
Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Happy Mornings


This is our first summer with two kiddies in the house and I have yet to figure out how to very efficiently 
"stay on top of things" (ahem) Therefore the sudden stop of blog postings!! Sooo sorrrrry.

There have been too many events to explain or even remember.  
Lots of rainy days, lots of sunny sunny days, unfortunately we have yet to spend a lot of time in the pool. 
But that does not mean we have not been busy with early mornings, over due nap times and a few melt downs every other week.

We have been baking, painting  (not as much sewing as I like) and just crawling around the house.
Our boy Jaden is getting very curious about all the little things that only his fingers and eyes would notice...and of course, his all time favourite is still his big sister. Whatever she has he wants, I can tell he is simply wishing he could do all the things he sees her do.
And of course my darling girl will be turning four in a month and as she gets older she has a wider understanding of things. She asks questions that I love to answer as well as hear because it reminds me to question things and to not take everything as "the way it is" but to remain grateful and open minded about things that may seem routine. It' is amazing to think she was once that toddler crawling around trying to fit herself into our kitchen drawers...

So for now our morning starts early. As early as 6:45, she will say :"Wake up, it's light outside. Get up mommy......." ....That is one thing I was not warned about before I entered parenthood, that kids get up eeeaaaaaaaaarly and I'm guessing they only outgrow it once we get use to it. .

But what a gift it is to be a mom of two little ones who think I capable of so many things (like waking up early!) Hope you have a lovely week ahead. 

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